The elites of most developed economies should draw their inspiration from the workers and entrepreneurs. In other words, they should apply good practices by encouraging the spread of initiatives. They should stop looking at their country through binoculars, citing various exceptions, such as labor, tax or environmental measures. Especially as these measures are not necessarily applied by neighboring countries and hence do not attract business or investment at home. In terms of activity and employment, we should stop waiting for solutions from above which do not work (the top-down approach). Instead, let’s look at what does work in our entrepreneurial and successful companies or regions (the bottom-up approach).
In short, if all of us take some action where we are, wherever that may be, the entire community will start moving forward again!
The Loches Appeal : Six Ideas for Action
The Jacobin, or highly centralized, France that governs from on high is struggling while its lack of political courage has plunged us deep down by racking up debt for over 30 years. The small businesses that thrive within France’s many regions often do well and could do better if the higher-ups did not cause trouble.
Fortunately ‘the Just’ are everywhere, rightwing, leftwing and center. They build bridges rather than walls; they make the wheels of initiatives turn; they remove ‘monkey wrenches’ from the works and serve the general interest before their own interest.
With this situation in mind, we launched the Loches Appeal on April 9, 2013.
The message is a change
Futuribles International takes the torch from the CAP to manage and disseminate free online software developed by Michel Godet.
2018, Feb
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To Predict or to Build the Future