Circle for Prospective Action

Who are we ?
ENTREPRENEURS OF THE FUTURE ClRCLE AND NOW… CPA   Established in 2003 by professor Michel Godet and now comprising more than 40 partners, the Entrepreneurs of the Future Circle has contributed to the academic discipline of la Prospective (strategic foresight ) while advancing the prestige of the French school throughout the world.   The Circle has recently been...    
Members of the Circle for Prospective Action (CPA)
The Entrepreneurs’ Circle of the Future, created in 2003, reorganized as the Circle for Prospective Action (CPA) and includes between 40 and 50 member companies which are represented by their respective logos on the (click on the tab Circle for Prospective Action).     The Circle currently includes more than 40 members of which 19 are...    
To diffuse the knowledge
The Circle for Prospective Action diffuses the methods of strategic foresight :  EPITA (Ecole pour l'informatique et les Techniques Avancées) with the generous support of the CPA proudly present the methods of strategic foresight   The methods of strategic foresight are downloadable free-of-charge from the La propective...    
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