Established in 2003 by professor Michel Godet and now comprising more than 40 partners, the Entrepreneurs of the Future Circle has contributed to the academic discipline of la Prospective (strategic foresight ) while advancing the prestige of the French school throughout the world.
The Circle has recently been integrated into a foundation which has taken charge of all Entrepreneurs of the Future Circle activities which involve entrepreneurship, innovation, and regional development. However, strategic prospective (foresight) activities including the development of methods available free online, the history of the field and international networking do not fall within the purview of the Foundation. As a result, the members of the former Entrepreneurs of the Future Circle formed the Circle for Prospective Action (CPA), which will continue the tradition of the Entrepreneurs of the Future Circle, futurists from around the world now have access to these sophisticated software tools available in three languages; French, English and Spanish.
These software programs and documents may be downloaded free of-charge at www.laprospective.fr .
Since 2003 there have been more than 35,000 successful downloads. Although futures studies is an intellectual "indiscipline", there is a need for rigorous methods to orient action towards a desired future. The toolbox of futures studies allow the user apply rigor to the foresight process by posing important questions, reducing incoherencies and creating a common language.
Six Tools and Software to Assist at Various Stages of the Strategic Foresight Process
Strategic prospective workshops: ask the right questions and choose the appropriate method.
Micmac: identify the key variables for structural analysis.
Mactor: analyze the strategies of various actors.
Morphol: sweep the field of possibilities with morphological analysis.
Smic Prob-Expert: reduce uncertainty with the aid the aid of expert interviews.
Multipol: evaluate and chose the strategic options
Entrepreneurs’of the future circle is now included as one of the main action of the Fondation Prospective et Innovation , chaired by Jean Pierre Raffarin , former Prime Minister of France.